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Supporting Oracy Education in your School: Register for our free Webinar

Supporting Oracy Education in your School: Register for our free Webinar

November 12, 2024

We are delighted to share that we are running a webinar on Thursday 21st November for teachers in secondary schools focused on supporting oracy education in school.   Our CEO Russell Findlay will be sharing how our work can transform students’ oracy skills and complement a whole school approach.  Find out how you can support oracy […]

Meet our Trustee, Louise Lee

Meet our Trustee, Louise Lee

November 7, 2024

1. Can you tell us a bit about your professional journey?  I have been a teacher for over 20 years in London and beyond and now work as the Chief Executive Officer of a multi academy trust of 13 schools in Surrey. I became a teacher because I was lucky enough to have great teachers […]

Meet our Trustee, Piers Bradford

Meet our Trustee, Piers Bradford

November 5, 2024

1. Can you tell us a bit about your professional journey?  After starting with work experience at BBC Radio 1, I quickly found myself in a pivotal role working with Zoe Ball on the station’s new breakfast show, answering phones—a critical job before the digital era. This experience evolved into an 18-year journey where I […]

Meet our Trustee, Al Read

Meet our Trustee, Al Read

November 5, 2024

1. Can you tell us a bit about your professional journey?  I was the first generation in my family to go to university-I was fortunate to get a place at Oxford after attending a state school. I studied English Language and Literature, but when I graduated in 1994, the UK was in the midst of […]

Meet our Trustee, Javneet Ghuman

Meet our Trustee, Javneet Ghuman

November 4, 2024

  1. Can you tell us a bit about your professional journey?  My first experience in a professional environment was my work with Obama’s re-election campaign in 2012. Working for 6 months in Florida, I quickly understood how involved American citizens are in civic life, campaigning, and that they really draw from their lived experiences […]

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