BYC Youth Convention 2022

By : Alessandra D'Addetta | June 7, 2022

The British Youth Council is hosting its 2022 Youth Convention! This is a youth-led event, which will bring together 40 young people ages 14-18 years old, to increase their knowledge and confidence in several workshops and guest presentations centred around women in leadership, inclusive leadership, resilience, health and wellbeing, and campaigning skills with specific reference to the Votes at 16 campaign.

The event will take place on Saturday 25th June at Kensington Aldridge Academy, 1 Silchester Road, London W10 6EX.

Lastly, since this is a youth-led event, if you want to exercise your public speaking and workshopping skills, and would be interested in learning more about leading a session, BYC is looking to train and support four young people to deliver workshops for their fellow young people.

Please register your interest here.