Support us

Our ambition for young people is limitless, but our resources are not. Support comes in all shapes and sizes. Here are a few ideas about how you can get involved.


Giving your support doesn’t have to cost you.

Contributing your time and skills can make a huge difference to an organisation like ours. From time to time we do post volunteer opportunities; we start each opportunity with a full conversation about expectations to make sure that both sides gain maximum benefit.

If you have a skill to offer please contact Victoria Costello on 020 8146 8321 or at to discuss how you might get involved.

Supporting Voices is a network of Ambassadors who use their voices to help others find theirs. This diverse group make an annual financial contribution to fund our progressive and transformational work. They are also directly involved in our work, attending fundraising events and judging our speaking competitions. If this sounds like the perfect fit for your philanthropic aims and passions, or to find out about other ways you could further our work, please get in touch with Victoria Costello on 020 8146 8321 or at

You can help us reach more young people in just a couple of clicks.

By making a contribution towards our ongoing work, you can help young people achieve their potential at school and in work and give them the confidence and ability to make their voices heard and influence social change. With your help, they are our future leaders.

Just £25 could change a young person’s life by empowering them to speak up for the first time.

Make a donation here.

We will use your support where the need is currently greatest or it may be directed to any live appeals at your discretion.

Alternatively, if you are interested in supporting a particular area or region, please get in touch with Victoria Costello on 020 8146 8321 or at to explore the possibilities.

You can work with us in a number of ways.

Encourage the next generation of leaders

We showcase young people sharing their ideas and increasing their influence by hosting speaking events throughout England. These could not be the celebrated events they are without support from community role models and hard working, inspirational professionals. By donating one evening of their time, our judges are examples to our young speakers of how to be future change-makers, as well as supportive listeners.

You could encourage the next generation of leaders by placing key staff members on judging panels, not only to represent your organisation, but to support young people in your community.

Increase your organisation’s presence beyond your community

Through our partnerships we collaborate with charitable and corporate organisations to design and deliver life changing communication skills training to young people across the country.

Our programmes are designed to help young people build confidence, articulate structured thoughts and listen attentively to others.

Our partnerships include HSBC UK, Aim Higher, Aspire to HE and the Jack Petchey Foundation.

Empower your team for better business

Our work focuses on young people, our future leaders but what about the leaders of today?

We can provide bespoke yet affordable communication skills training to your staff and volunteers to help your organisation increase client relationships, customer service and build stronger teams. Learn more about our bespoke training.

Our recent clients include;

  • The Prince’s Trust
  • Lloyds Bank Foundation
  • The Prince’s Trust
  • Bird & Bird – International Law Firm
  • Peabody Housing Estate
  • Diana Award
  • British Heart Foundation Action for Children
  • English Heritage
  • Zara
  • Royal Museums Greenwich
  • Barnados
  • Policy Connect

To explore the possibilities of a partnership, becoming a judge or experiencing our bespoke training, please contact Victoria Costello on 020 8146 8321 or to discuss anything further.

Two is better than one.

We’re extremely proud of our partnerships which enable us to reach young people across the country from London to West Midlands and Essex to Bristol.

Support through grantmaking enables us to work in new regions, pilot programmes with young people with specific needs and evaluate the difference we make. We welcome the opportunity to work with partners who share our values to create and deliver programmes that maximise our combined impact.

Our programmes are designed to help young people build confidence, articulate structured thoughts and listen attentively to others.

We work with our partners to tailor our programmes to ensure the their needs are met, whilst providing high-quality training and programme coordination. Your staff team can also benefit from the partnership by engaging in skills-based volunteering opportunities.

We also welcome contributions towards core costs; without the commitment and flexibility of our head office team, we would not be able to provide the programmes we do.

We provide transparent and thorough reports and work with you to deliver benefits together. We are currently with HSBC UK, Aim Higher, Aspire to HE and the Jack Petchey Foundation.

If you would like to donate to a specific project, please get in touch with Victoria Costello on 020 8146 8321 or at